Parent Involvement

You Belong

Belonging to a co-op preschool means you are actively involved in your child's early education. It requires a commitment as we are a parent run school. The success of the school is dependent on all members contributing. By working together, we keep tuition low and hopefully learn a few things about our children & ourselves along the way!

Below is a summary of your responsibilities as a parent of a child attending Edmonds's Co-op Preschool:

Your Responsibilities

Parent sitting with toddlers as they do an activity at a table.

Class Participation

Participate in the classroom one day per week per class, or find a qualified substitute

man smiling in a meeting surrounded by other engaged adults


Attend monthly Parent Meeting, usually the 4th Tuesday of the month, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. They are listed on the official school calendar on the co-op website.

We begin with the business portion of our meeting where you assist with the business of the preschool, vote on preschool issues, and are notified of upcoming events. We then meet as individual classes with the assigned parent instructor for some parent education. Important parenting topics are discussed during the parent education portion of the meeting. Topics might include discipline, brain development, child temperament, sibling issues, and anything parents have questions about. Parents receive the support of their peers and the Parent Educator while relating individual and shared experiences and challenges.

parent cleaning desk with a spray bottle and rag

Weekend Cleaning

Clean the classroom during one weekend per school year and participate in the end of year group cleaning as assigned by class.

Member Job

Hold a member job or serve on the board. Member jobs generally requires six hours of commitment per year. Some jobs require more time and/or commitment. The time may be spread out during the year or all done within a few weeks to month depending on the job assignment. Sample jobs include: playdough maker, art assistant, class photographer, cleaning coordinator, and more.


6 hours per year


  • Board Member

  • Playdough Maker

  • Art Assistant

  • Class Photographer

  • Cleaning Coordinator

  • Ask Us What Else

little girl blowing bubbles in a pink drink


Provide snacks for the children on a rotating basis in the 2’s and 3's classes. Children bring a lunch from home in the 4/5 (Pre-K) class.


Support fundraising by participating in events.


Pay monthly tuition on time.

Our member handbook and bylaws go into more detail about each of these topics. The most up-to-date versions of both member handbook and bylaws are found here.